
I sometimes submit comments on policy to newspapers and think-tanks, I have also been interviewed a few times regarding my opinion about economic issues. The links to some of these instances are listed below.

Better hurricane forecasts are preventing damage and saving money, study says
NPR - Marketplace (interview)

Scientists hope to improve hurricane forecasting with new government investment
NPR - Marketplace (interview)

Climate gentrification and affordable housing policies
The Hill (op-ed)

Examining the Role of Institutions in Mitigating the Effects of Natural Disasters
emLab (op-ed)

Mexican government sponsors technical training in fisheries economics with The Nature Conservancy
CONAPESCA (interview)

Nobel laureates criticize Latin American dependence on raw materials
Deutsche Welle (interview)

Collective management and markets overcome a tragedy of overfishing
PERC (op-ed)

The limits of the market, a problem of definitions
El Líbero (op-ed)

About rights and obligations
El Líbero (op-ed)

Truths and myths about water rights in Chile and the upcoming reform in 2014 CIPER (op-ed)

The role of sustainability in the Chilean fisheries reform of 2012
CIPER (op-ed).