I sometimes submit comments on policy to newspapers and think-tanks, I have also been interviewed a few times regarding my opinion about economic issues. The links to some of these instances are listed below.
What’s a weather forecast worth?
Planet Money - The Indicator (interview)
Better hurricane forecasts are preventing damage and saving money, study says
NPR - Marketplace (interview)
Scientists hope to improve hurricane forecasting with new government investment
NPR - Marketplace (interview)
Climate gentrification and affordable housing policies
The Hill (op-ed)
Examining the Role of Institutions in Mitigating the Effects of Natural Disasters
emLab (op-ed)
Mexican government sponsors technical training in fisheries economics with The Nature Conservancy
CONAPESCA (interview)
Nobel laureates criticize Latin American dependence on raw materials
Deutsche Welle
Collective management and markets overcome a tragedy of overfishing
The limits of the market, a problem of definitions
El Líbero
About rights and obligations
El Líbero
Truths and myths about water rights in Chile and the upcoming reform in 2014 CIPER (op-ed)
The role of sustainability in the Chilean fisheries reform of 2012